I have quite a bit on the go today, so plenty to share.
On the needles:
As a treat to myself I have cast on a very straight forward sweater pattern in some stash yarn. After quite a bit of designing recently I wanted to just follow instructions for a bit.
Of course I have already changed the yarn weight, needle size, neckline detail (a little) and am wondering if the body might need some cables to break up the stockinette. Being me I am winging these changes so it may go horribly wrong. If so I shall document it for your knitting/reading entertainment.
Pattern: driftwood by Isabell Kraemer
Yarn: Stylecraft Life DK
I have tried the continguous sleeve method on a baby sized cardigan so interesting to play with it on a full size piece.
The yarn is has more acrylic than I would typically use, although I am a fan of acrylic in the right places (baby items, blankets, anything that needs a lot of washing). It does feel soft and was very affordable. Reviews on Ravelry are that is washes well so I am hoping for a super low maintenance sweater (you know, one that I can spill things on and not be bothered).
It is motoring along nicely, I did some more yesterday after this photo was taken. Getting to that point in a one piece sweater where you are working both sleeves plus both body sections so the rows are really long. It will zoom once I join into the round soon.
Next I have some colourwork cuffs. Last week I had nothing to take to knit night so had a quick hunt through my Ravelry favourites and grabbed some sock yarn leftovers.
Pattern: Schachmatt by Susanne Reese
I skipped the purl stitches and made each of the colourwork squares an extra row deeper. And only worked four ridges each end of the cuff (honestly?! Do I ever do what I am told!).
I was only making these to use up scraps and fill knitting time, but actually really like the one that is done.
Next up is an "on the needles for now".
I think I showed you the hexagonal mitts before.
They got bumped off my 3mm dpns so I could make Christmas socks and have been sat waiting. However, while the construction is interesting I am not loving them. I really don't think I am going to finish them. Perhaps it is the colour combo? Anyway, I don't know but this one will be frogged.
Off the needles:
The second pair of Christmas socks is done:
Pattern: Thuja by Bobby Zeigler
Yarn: Opal 6 ply undyed. Overdyed in my "smaller on the outside" colourway.
Technically that concludes my Christmas knitting. Until I decide I neeeeeeeeeed to make something for someone a couple of days before Christmas. Always happens.
I made a tiny sock too.
Obviously this was much, much faster than the big pair.
In a spin:
I have finished the alpaca batt.
The single is somewhat uneven. I was trying to spin thicker and faster. Which worked quite well, but I am not keen on the unevenness. I think it may have been partly due to the fibre in the batt, combined with my trying a different style of spinning.
Although it is slower I think I am more of a fine, precision spinner.
Not sure what to do with this. I was going to ply it with the red/black/linen single, but I think it is too brown to go well. I might navajo or andean ply it which should even out some of the lumpy parts.
I have also been dyeing. I was gifted a white alpaca fleece in the summer.
Pro tip- try not to let your pan of raw alpaca fleece develop a geyser when dyeing, it can lead to felt.
Fortunately I got away without it felting (more luck than judgement, shouldn't get distract while bubbling).
Several different sessions has given me this lovely lot.
Colours somewhat spoiled by lack of decent daylight.
Top right is a minty green. I have been pulling locks out of this, opening them up and making a soft fluffy cloud to spin from. I think this would work well plied with a natural brown or chestnut.
To the left is a length that goes from green to blue. I would like to spin this preserving the colour change, but not sure how yet. Maybe pull out locks as I spin working from one end to the other. This would be a slow process though.
Below that is a big pile of bright turquoise. I might card this for spinning. Will probably depend how the minty green spins up, if that goes well I will repeat the lock opening instead.
The final pile is minty green overdyed with black. The plan is to spin this the same way as the turquoise (however that ends up being) and ply the two together.
Whatever is left after the spinning will be carded into batts for felting.
There is still some white left in the bag too (when I say bag, it is a sack really). Some has been through the carder, the rest is raw fleece so I have that as an option for plying or blending.
During the dyeing and carding I have been reminded just how dirty alpacas get. They REALLY love to roll in the dirt!
Having uploaded my pictures for today I am seeing a definite blue/green theme going on this week. Something else needed for next week perhaps.
I really love these colors that you have obtained! Your blue is so bright and juicy. Nice job!