Saturday 26 January 2013

Working in a winter wonderland

I am done working (as in actual work work, not other work) for the week, and by the time I am back on Tuesday all the snow will be gone. However, I am British and talking about the weather is what we do.
The view from the back of my workplace:

The view from the front:
I have been complaining about the ice. Not the snow- I like snow. But when it gets trampled down into a layer of ice it is a pain. I suspect I will miss it and be complaining about the rain next week!


  1. We talk about the weather all the time over here too! It's a winter wonderland today but a big warm up is expected next week so it'll all be gone again.

    My thinking is that it should just snow on weekends when I don't have to drive anywhere and holidays. Better for me, and better for the kids for tobogganning!

  2. We just had a large icing here. It's all gone now so I am sure we will all be complaining about the warmth in no time.

  3. Everything is prettier with a blanket of snow on it. :-0
