Thursday, 19 May 2011

Swatch ya gonna do?

Today is one of those days where for absolutely no reason I woke up feeling grumpy, the cloud of grumpiness will be gone by tomorrow (or possibly later as we might go to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean film and there may be ice cream) but for today I have let myself off with minimal work and plenty of knitting.

I even did a swatch, sort of. It got this big and I measured, decided it was close enough and gave up (I am such a lazy knitter!).

I have cast the cardigan on and the chunky yarn is making it chug along quickly so there will be something to show next week at WIP Wednesday.


  1. My swatches are minimal ... I barely knit four or five rows, if it isn't something that needs to fit closely!

  2. Swatch? What is this thing called swatch? tehehe, one day I will be a good knitter and actually try it ;-)

  3. I always tell myself I'll make a swatch.....then I get a few rows in and do the, "That's look about right, I'm sure it will be fine."

  4. I also usually only swatch 4 or 5 rows. :-)

  5. I hate swatching. Hence my baby sweaters are always a little off. I just make 'em big "intentionally"!

  6. I'm the same excited to get into the process to swatch.

  7. I must admit I do sometimes swatch and I even go so far as to make it the entire 4x4.

    I guess this is what comes from working one day a week at a yarn store.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  8. Hoping your grumpies move on somewhere else. Have a happy Friday!
