More pictures of the full stash enhancement will follow, I thought I would do a shop review.
In the Victoria Centre Market there is a newish yarn stall called Knitty Gritty. I had been told about it before but had not managed to get there to check it out so this was finally my chance.
The stall looks like this:
They have a pretty good range of yarn for a little space. There's also a fair amount of interesting yarns, alpaca and the like (left wall and table in the picture). It is not yarn snobby either, as there are some acrylics and more affordable yarns there too (The rack on the right wall and the tubs at the front).
As well as yarn they have some needles, including second hand ones and some pre knitted items.
The lady working when I went in (she said she was not the owner) was lovely, she was knitting while she worked (I am soooo jealous, I need a job like that) and was quite happy to let me pet at all the yarns and even let me take the picture of the shop.
I was given a flyer for some classes when I made my purchase, so they run those too, must be a bit of a squeeze, but fun I imagine!
Having checked the price of what I bought online when I got home it was a little higher than web prices, but I didn't have to pay for delivery (or buy loads of stuff to qualify for free delivery). I am also happy to pay a little more to get to see the yarn and squish it before buying, and believe in supporting small businesses, so I am happy enough on the price front.
On to what they sold me. Some luscious Manos del Uruguay silk blend. I had a difficult time choosing the colour, but went for this one in the end.
All in all I would say a big thank you to the yarn enablers that are Knitty Gritty and definitely recommend them for a look if you are going that way.
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