Monday, 8 March 2010

Some trumpeting and an unexpected knitter

I have had a pretty slow week on the fibrey front, but I guess that balances out the super fibre filled week before.

Mostly I have been working on my sock of the month, an entrelac pattern with two green yarns, its pretty slow going but hopefully I will be able to finish them before April.

Now for some self indulgent trumpety big up of the self- I have my ravelympics medals, whoop whoop. I am going to put them up here and be unbearably smaug (sorry :D), but mostly because I have to put them somewhere!
For my first try at wheel spinning (see previous post):

For my crazy verygated toe socks (Feb sock of the month):
For the pair of light and dark green yarns (currently being made into an entrelac sock):

For the knitted boobies:

And for this shawl:
These three:
Anyway, enough of my being annoying.
Finally, knitters really do pop up in the strangest of places. I bought a copy of the illustrated Discworld fable The last hero. In it there is a character called Vena the Raven haired who dispatches her enemies with some pink yarn and knitting needles when they disturb her knitting.

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