Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Have you any wool?

Another quiet week on the knitterly front. The entrelac socks are making slow progress and I am currently staring at them and wondering if I want to frog them and alter them a bit.

Knitting progress may ahve been slow, but stash enhancing has been carrying on at its usual pace, in spite of plans to use up some of what I have!

A trip to Wales over the weekend meant locating a souvenir yarn (first time I have tried that). I thought Wales-> lots of sheep-> lots of local and delicious yarn. I even did a bit of a search and located a "craft shop" in the town we were visiting.

It was not quite as easy as I had imagined, the craft shop turned out to sell only nasty plasticy souvenirs. Fortunately a wander round the shops and someone pointed me in the direction of the local interior design shop (for yarn!?). They did indeed have some yarn from local sheep. Here it is:
Not sure what to make from it yet, I only bought one ball and am thinking maybe pair it with either black or a neutral to try out some colourwork. Mittens maybe?
Some more stash enhancement took place when I found out the website I get lion brand wool ease from is closing up so they were offering a 20% discount. This led to stocking up on a range of colours for making chunky boot socks as gifts (possibly enough for the next two to three years!).
I am usually a bit of a yarn snob on the acrylic front, but this does manage to combine squishyness with machine washability (very important for socks) and doesn't look too plasticy. Also so far the socks I made in December are standing up to use.

I think one month's sock challenge will be to turn that lot into a pile of ready to go socks in various sizes.

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