Not much crafting this week, but a couple of bits to share.
On the Needles:
I am taking part in the UK sock Knitters British Actors KAL on Ravelry. Each month you pick a sock pattern you can link back to a particular actor and enter it. The links can be pretty tenuous, so you can more or less make any pattern you fancy. There are suggestions too.
For January the actor is Benedict Cumberbatch.
Some edits, because well, when do I ever not?
I removed the small cable to reduce the stitch count to 64. I also changed the direction of some of the cables. I actually made a slip up here, the front and back of the leg don't match because I didn't think ahead. Never mind, it makes a nice cable anyway.
This is the first time I have tried the Fleegle heel. I rather like it. It gives a gusset on a toe up sock, no wrap and turn required and is simple to work. I had to mess with this a bit to get the stitch count I wanted coming out. I worked more plain stitches at the base of the heel, a total of ten instead of the usual four. I couldn't find anyone talking about this online; so if you are wondering, it appears to work just fine with the wider base.
Yarn is a plain blue Regia 4 ply from stash.
Off the Needles:
I do have an off the needles, blocking my sink as I type, but I can't do the reveal yet as it is a new design.
Proof that I have sewn my ends in!
In a Spin:
The plying continues. I have filled one bobbin and now need to start the second. It should all fit on two.
I have shortened my drive band, but the wheel still doesn't want to turn smoothly on anything but the largest ratio. I need to do some investigating but think I will finish the plying first as I am reluctant to change anything mid project.
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