Friday, 6 January 2012

FO Friday- Birdie mobile

Two weeks before Christmas I decided to make an extra gift. I had been all smug about getting my gift knitting done really early, and then I decide to add extra presents. It is possible I am a little insane and next year I am most definitely not doing that.

Oh, yes, and the extra present was crochet, which I used to be able to do but have since forgotten. Fortunately a super pattern and some how to books meant I could make this:

One very cute little birdie (even if I say so myself). I used the Birdie Decoration pattern by Lucy of Attic24 (well know and very awesome crochet blog) and leftover yarn scraps from other projects. I didn't do legs on my birds. The tail coming out of the back was sewn in, I was not sure if I needed the tail when I took the photo.

The pattern is very well written, it has a full photo tutorial so even my shaky crochet skills could cope.

I made some more, a whole flock of little birds. These are so good for using up leftovers and scraps as you only need a tiny amount for each part. Match the hook to your yarn thickness and you get different sized birds. They are quick to make too.

Some string, wooden dowelling and a little knot know how (borrowed) and tada! A mobile:

Not the best photo, but you get the idea, birds on strings. They would look good on a horizontal string too, or hanging on individual loops.

I read through this post to check for spelling and general odd bits of text and have realised it sounds a bit "yay me, I'm awesome". I didn't mean it to, really it is the pattern that is awesome, I am just pleased with how they came out :)


  1. yay you! you are awesome!

    love the mobile, so cute. I'm sure it was well received!

  2. You are awesome! I would never have thought to make a mobile out of them. Yay You!

  3. Your mobile is adorable! I love all the different birds.

  4. Completely darling, I love your little mobile!

  5. Yay you, you ARE awesome. I think the mobile is enchanting and I'd never have the patience for all the finishing and assembly.

  6. It's okay to pat yourself on the back. You did do an awesome job!

  7. The little birdies are adorable, and they make a great mobile too :) it is certainly an idea for making baby mobiles :)

  8. There is no 'yay, me I'm awesome' subtext here, silly! Nice bird :)

  9. I didn't read it that way at all. Very nice mobile!

  10. that's so adorable! you should be proud =)

    I'm so glad the yarn made it to you! =) I'm excited to see when you make the socks!

  11. Fantastic job. Thanks for the pattern link!

  12. that is so did a great job with it!!
