Sunday 30 October 2011

Year of projects- In which the yarn is still au naturel

I have not had a very successful year of projects week. In fact, all I have managed to do is work out how much yarn I will need to dye. I took the yardage for the largest size of Mr Greenjeans, divided it by the number of yards in 100g of my yarn, which gave me the number of 100g(ish) skeins for the project. I should not need all of it as I will be making the medium size but it is better to dye too much and have leftovers for something else than to run out.

I have been dragging my feet on dyeing it. It will not all fit into the pot I usually dye in. I do have a giant pot that will fit it all but I am not sure if I will be able to fit it on my stove, it may have to go accross two burners, which does not seem like a terribly good idea. The other option is to dye in two or three lots and alternate between dye lots each row to blend the colours.

Maybe next week I will have something prettier to share.

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