Sunday, 22 May 2011

Steam fair sheep

This weekend we went to a local steam fair. It was not really crafty focussed event although there was a small craft tent and a lady spinning. I think she was using a Kromiski Mazurka, it looked like one, although if I am right then they are a lot smaller than I realised. She was also combing peoples' dogs as they went past to be spun. I am really not too sure about dog fur yarn, doesn't it smell like dog?

There was also a rare breeds tent with some chickens and a few sheep. We all love sheep and their lovely wool so I took some pictures. Since I am a bear of very little brain (Winnie the pooh reference) I didn't take a picture of the breed labels, so I can't remember what they are.

These are long wools of some sort, a ram (hiding) ewe and lamb.

Inside the tent were two breeds of shorter wool sheep, a ewe and lamb of each. The lambs are pretty big, soon be weaning time I guess, they are almost as big as their mothers!


  1. Ahhhh sheep fairs ... wish we had more of them!

  2. Nice pictures, such handsome sheep! This is such a fun time of year. Have a great Fiber Arts Friday!

  3. Nice pictures, sounds like you have a good day.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  4. Baaaaa, such peaceful animals. Thanks for sharing your photos.
