Saturday 11 September 2010

Scrap down Saturday

I am doing an experiment with Blogger posting in advance and setting the time and dates for it to appear when I want it to. So if this works, hello from yesterday morning!


Thought I would share my latest attempt to use up leftover ball ends (snort, that sounds rude!). This little chap is leftovers from the Super alpaca flip top mittens shown yesterday as a FO. The pattern is Knitted bunny by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer; it is like magic, you make a square, and turn it into a bunny body, add ears and a tail and you have this:



  1. Your bunny is adorable. Yeah, I have that pattern. The square was knitted during the summer and I attempted to sew the pieces together to shape like the instructions said...lesson learned, I should not sew.

    I still have a square.

    I'm glad your attempt went smoother than mine.

  2. Whoa. Okay. I'm gonna have to have a go, I think. By the way, would it be too terribly rude to say you sound pretty American to me? I didn't know that British people snorted, actually -

  3. What a cute bunny. :)
