Last year I decided to try my hand at spinning, the theory being that if I spun my own yarn I would get more hours of crafting fun per project than if I bought it. I duly bought a drop spindle starter kit and had a go.
It was something of a disaster and the drop spindle ended up being tucked away in my stash tub. (Sorry, no photos of the lumpy disaster yarn)
sA couple of months later I saw some instruction videos on YouTube and decided to have another go. Much more successful this time (eventually).
I even managed to make enough sock weight yarn for a pair of socks.
But drop spindling, while fun, is so very very slow- you spin, then stop, wind on, spin some more etc. And when you are going for thin stuff it takes a long time to get enough to knit with (at least for me). s
The answer, obviously was a wheel, I tried out a friend's Ashford Traveller a few months back but have been holding off on buying one. Partly because of umming and ahhing over which I wanted ( I went Traveller, Kiwi, Sonata and back and forwards between the last two repeatedly) and partly because they are not cheap.
This week I got paid for some work, which happened to coincide with an offer from a lovely Raveller of a Kromski Sonata for a good price, how could I resist?! So here it (she/he?) is:
I know a lot of people name their wheels but so far it is just called "Wheel", it might be a she though. Not had a lot of time yet to play as am trying to finish up a lot of projects before a show next week (more on that in the week) but am looking forward to a lot of spinning.
So, from now on the theme for posts on Sundays is going to be spinning, you can see how the adventure goes!
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