Monday, 22 February 2010

A needle disaster

First up the needle disaster mentioned. I was digging through one of the many boxes of knitting related stuff to find my pair of 3.5mm interchangables and I found this:

SOB! My beautiful needle has snapped and I have no idea how! It was lying sadly in the bottom of the box. It was my favourite red one (looks a bit orange in the photo) and possibly the most useful size.
The coloured needles are not available to buy separately so I am going to have to try supergluing it back together and hope it holds.

On a happier note I have been playing with dye again :). This time my hands stayed a normal colour. I split a 100g superwash bluefaced leicester base yarn in half and had a go at making the base emerald green dye lighter (adding water) and darker (adding black).

I am especially pleased with the darker green. The two are going to be combined to have a go at a pair of entrelac socks next month.

Finally, I have been doing some work on some Ravelympics entries this last week, the first project to be finished is this one:

A pair of knitted boobies for the charity knitting event (the bikini is to make a suitable for all image :D). They will be sent to the loving hands charity knitting group ( who distribute them to midwives and lactation consultants for a donation to breast cancer research. They are used to teach new mothers about breast feeding.

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