Sunday, 4 December 2011

YOP- In which I have started an actual adult sized garment

Much to the amazement of my knitting group who only ever see me knitting socks and other small things on tiny needles. The Mr Greenjeans cardigan is underway.

See those 5mm needles and aran yarn? Nothing short of giant crafting supplies to my sock obsessed mind!

I have three repeats of the raglan increases done. I am aiming to do one a week. That makes it fit nicely with all the other knitting/spinning/crafting I want to do but gives me some kind of measurable progress.

I am not linking to the YOP again as I can't make it around to all the other blogs and it doesn't seem fair. This last week the drama llama has been visiting (major car trouble, uni work issues, naughty horses at other work etc) so hopefully he will be gone this week but even so I am only just making it around the blogs in my Google reader. I spent a very pleasant time this morning catching up with you all. Fingers crossed for a quiet, calm week this week.

Finally, (an in no way fibre related) I thought you might like to see where I work:

Unfortunately it doesn't always look like this, but on a sunny day it is nothing short of beautiful.


  1. It really is beautiful there. :-)

  2. yay I'm so excited to see progress on your sweater! and you work in a really gorgeous place, I'm jealous! I hope you get a slow week =)
