Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Something to talk about

I seem to have run a bit short of things to blog about in the last couple of weeks. I have been working on all my new year plans (not resolutions, plans!) and they are coming along in various shades of nicely. Unfortunately there is not a lot I can show you all, WIPs have been blogged, FOs I am sharing for Fridays, and I can't take a photo of my uni work, it would be a very boring photo!
I have promised not to bore you all with shop talk, you are here for the chat, not to be sold to. But since one thing I have been doing a lot of is dyeing yarn I thought I would share the pretty today (that said I am going to do a shop related post next week).
I love the red on the top, and am more than a little reluctant to part with it!


  1. Your yarns are beautiful.

    Don't worry...I don't post every day and now I will be posting less frequently due to a new job. I enjoy the posts you do submit each week.

  2. That's an attractive collection of hand dyed yarn!

  3. That's quite a collection of pretty yarn.
